Monastery of Herbs Case Study: Parathyroid and Arteriosclerosis


John was fifty-six, when he consulted me a year ago. I watched him inch his way toward my office while leaning on a crutch. He was unable to flex his feet. There was no pulse in his thin legs. CAT scans, a sonogram, and an angiogram confirmed almost complete blockage of the arteries to his legs.

Also, there was impaired circulation to the rest of his body, including coronary insufficiency. His cholesterol level was normal. He was advised by his former medical doctor to have his legs amputated. A kinesiology work-up indicated that the artery blockage was due to calcium deposits.

A malfunction of the parathyroid tested as the principle cause. Herpes Simplex #4 (possibly chicken pox) tested as the principle causative agent, affecting the parathyroid. He received the HPVS #4 herbal program from Monastery of Herbs, along with some mineral ascorbate.
Monastery of Herbs capsules set
After two weeks on the program, his sister called and reported that John was dancing in the street. He had taken other herbal programs to further improve his health and now enjoys an active life.

This case illustrates the important role that the parathyroid has in some forms of arteriosclerosis. Parathyroid hormones main function to maintain normal calcium levels in the blood. This is primarily done by pulling calcium from the bone and increasing intestinal absorption. In hyperparathyroidism the blood level of calcium is elevated.

I suspected that John had elevated calcium due to an inflamed parathyroid. On the other hand, the thyroid secretes calcitonin, when the calcium becomes elevated, in order to lower calcium blood levels. Therefore, both glands need to function properly, in order to prevent calcification of the soft tissues.

While hyperparathyroidism and hypothyroidism are a prescription for one form of arteriosclerosis, there are other factors to consider. A diet high in phosphates and calcium can contribute to the problem. A diet high in magnesium and potassium serves as some protection against this disorder. The other issue is that all arterioscleros are not the same. The etiology and treatment of arteriosclerosis due to fatty deposits are very different.

— L.J. Marx, M.D.

About Monastery of Herbs
Monastery of Herbs offers “prescription” level wholesale and resale herbs, custom made fresh every day, in a monastery setting. (Note: These herbs promote physical healing.) Monastery of Herbs offers one-on-one telephone seminars for professionals with a wholesale license.

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Monastery of Herbs Case Study: Parathyroid and Arteriosclerosis