New Decision Therapy Case Study – Phobias & Panic Disorders

Townsend Letter for Doctors


Phobia can be defined as the fear of losing control. Panic can be defined as the sensation of losing control. The loss of control can refer to painful psychological stimuli such as denied feelings or memories. This is called anxiety. The experiencing of loss of control of our bodily functions will result in panic. Once a person has a number of loss of control experiences, there develops a phobia that is likely to last beyond any resolution of the traumatic experience.

Thanks to the excellent research of Dr. Harold Levinson, we now have an understanding of the mechanism involved in the formation of phobias and panic attacks. In his book Dr. Levinson explains how at least 90% of these disorders have a common physical basis that is a disturbance in the vestibular-cerebellar axis.

A careful history will usually reveal subtle inner ear symptoms such as vertigo, equilibrium dysfunction, fear of heights and open spaces, and avoidance of crowds and being in motion. Dr. Levinson reports good results by treating these people with anti-motion-sickness medications.

Our own research has revealed that a few central nervous system infections account for most of these disorders. The most common infection is Toxoplasmosis. This microscopic parasite has a predilection for the CNS. Toxoplasmosis produces meningitis type symptoms such as neck pain, headaches and vertigo.

Phobia, Fear, Panic Attack, Anxiety, Trauma, Disorder, Disease, Infection, Symptom, DysfunctionIn severe infection, there can be marked psychiatric symptoms. Cats are a major source of this infection. It is important to wash hands after any contact with cats. Also, their stools contaminate the soil that can be inhaled by humans.

The second most frequent cause of inner ear disease is the fungus Cryptococus Neoformis. Like Toxoplasmosis, this fungus gains entrance into the body by inhaling contaminated dust or dirt. Once the infection is in the nasal passages, it can enter the sinuses and then the CNS. This infection also produces meningitis symptoms and especially characteristic is insomnia.

Other infections to look for are Epstein-Barr virus, the Cytomegalo virus, and the Herpes Simplex #2 virus. Occasionally, it may be necessary to test for other causative agents.

Sadly, many of these sufferers engage in extensive psychotherapy. Lack of relief from psychotherapy tends to lead to self-blame and further loss of self-worth. An accurate diagnosis and definitive treatment can make a dramatic turnabout in the quality of life for those with phobias and panic attacks. It is great relief for these people to realize that it is not their fault and they are
not crazy.

I will be offering one day workshops on Neuro kinesiology Testing and the use of herbal remedies. The workshops will be on Saturdays in Ventura. A date will be set whenever I have ten participants. Those interested should contact me.

L.J. Marx, M.D.

About New Decision Therapy
New Decision Therapy is a quantum, conscious-memory recall process of forgiveness, with guidance toward profound growth and acceptance, for emotional healing of past traumas. NDT was voted the #1 new, powerful healing therapy for those dealing with emotional issues. By looking in a mirror, profound changes can happen.

Heal with the Help of Master Teacher, Michael G. Phillips. Please email to [email protected], to make arrangements to attend a seminar, workshop, or private session. Please also communicate with and share about New Decision Therapy, via social media on Twitter, Facebook, and other websites.

Case Study – Phobias & Panic Disorders